The Government of Saudi Arabia embarked on an ambitious e-transaction program under 2030 vision, recognizing that there is a tremendous opportunity to better utilize information technology to improve the quality of care/service, lower the cost of operations, and increase customer satisfaction.
To ensure the secure, efficient transmission and exchange of information electronically, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has created a National Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), managed by Digital Government Authority (DGA) which is created by an act of law and its mandate as stipulated in the Saudi e-Transactions Act and its bylaws.
Court Admissible
One basic measure of the legality of Digital Signatures in a country is whether courts can allow Digital Signatures as evidence in court. Digital Signature cannot be refused in most countries around the world simply because it is electronic, meaning it should be admissible, subject to evidence.
Article 5 of the Act on Electronic Transactions clearly states that contracts cannot be refused enforceability merely because they are electronically concluded.
Under article 14-1 of e-Transactions Law Digitally signed-documents grants legal recognition and shall be equal to a handwritten signature, having the same legal effects.
Saudi Arabia’s Electronic Transactions Law...
Read eTransaction Law