emdha become the first commercial "WebTrust Certified" Certification Authority (CA) in KSA.

emdha TSP is proud to announce that, with the blessings of Almighty Allah, effective June 26th 2020 we are the first commercial "WebTrust Certified" Certification Authority (CA) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and have been granted the prestigious "WebTrust Seal of Assurance" with respect to the Trust Service Principle of Certification Authorities.
With this milestone achieved, we are confident of further achievements in the ICT sector and to contribute to the Kingdom's Vision-2030 for digital transformations
emdha TSP is owned and operated by Baud Telecom Company (BTC), offering various Digital Certification Services and is an approved Certifying Authority by NCDC (National Center for Digital Certification) established under MCIT (Ministry of Communication and Information Technology).